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Opening Session Day 1
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Geopythonic processing of massive high resolution Copernicus Sentinel data streams on cloud infrastructure
ANASTASAKIS Konstantinos, Guido Lemoine
We demonstrate the use of geopython solutions to address Big Data Analytics requirements in cloud-based processing of massive high resolution Copernicus Sentinel data streams in a European agricultural use context.
Geopythonic processing of massive high resolution Copernicus Sentinel data streams on cloud infrastructure
ANASTASAKIS Konstantinos, Guido Lemoine
The European Union's Copernicus Sentinel sensors produce large volume Earth Observation data streams, which are available under a full, free and open license. The Copernicus program also supports the establishment of Data and Information Access Services (DIAS) cloud-based processing solutions, some of which are federated in the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC). DIAS platforms closely couple the provision of compute resources with access to very large S3 object storage for data Sentinel archives, which include high resolution Sentinel-1 and -2 sensor data (10 m resolution), with high revisit (5-6 days) and continental coverage.
We demonstrate how we use a combination of geopython modules (GDAL, rasterio, geopandas) with PostgreSQL/Postgis spatial databases to manage the processing of deep time series data stacks with very large vector data sets that outline agricultural parcels in selected EU Member States. Accelerated processing is supported by integration of Numba and orchestration across multiple VMs on the cloud platform using customized Docker containers. Our client interfaces make use of Flask RESTful services and Jupyter Notebooks to support analytical tasks, which can include scipy based image analysis. Time series can also be integrated into machine learning frameworks like TensorFlow and PyTorch. We will demonstrate how our modular set up facilitates the use in monitoring tasks that are required in the Common Agricultural Policy context.
In the course of our presentation, we'll outline specific processing needs, and how we intend to integrate more advanced hardware solutions, such as GPU-based processing (in cupy, Numba), which is still surprisingly sparsely used in the geospatial domain. The relevance of our initiative in the context of European programs such as Destination Earth and European Data Spaces will be shortly addressed as well. Finally, we'll introduce the public github repository where we document our current and ongoing developments.
About ANASTASAKIS Konstantinos Konstantinos Anastasakis
Technology expert in the field of Earth Observation (Python, C++) About Guido Lemoine I am a Senior Scientist at the European Commission's Joint Research Centre (EC-JRC, Ispra, Italy) where I am the lead in the uptake of Copernicus data and processing solutions in agricultural monitoring applications, both in Europe and at global level. I am combining expertise in Earth Observation with applied programming solutions to advance the state-of-the-art. Python has become my preferred programming language, because it facilitates endless data processing solutions that are relevant in our application domain.
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Interpolating Elevation Data inside Tunnel and Bridge Networks
Alexander Held
geOps GmbH
We present a method to interpolate elevation data inside complex tunnel or bridge networks. Our work is based on Python libraries such as NumPy, NetworkX and Flask.
Interpolating Elevation Data inside Tunnel and Bridge Networks
Alexander Held
geOps GmbH
Elevation data is often not available for roads or tracks on bridges and inside tunnels.
We present a method to interpolate elevation data inside complex bridge and tunnel networks from known elevation values at the access points. For the case of two access points, a simple linear interpolation is sufficient. However, many realistic bridge or tunnel networks (e.g. subway tracks or multi-lane tunnels) contain intersections, railway switches or more than two access points.
For the general case, the task is formulated as an optimization problem which reduces to solving a system of linear equations for each network.
The method is implemented as a REST API using Python libraries such as NumPy, NetworkX and Flask.
The API is capable of matching input GeoJSON LineString features to tunnel and bridge data from OpenStreetMap and decorating them with interpolated elevation data (for example from SRTM).
As an example of use, we demonstrate how the API integrates with our routing services to yield elevation profiles for trips in public transport.
These elevation profiles could assist the planning of electromobility infrastructure such as the location of charging points.
About Alexander Held
- born 1984 in south west of Germany
- software developer at geOps GmbH, Freiburg, Germany since 2019
- PhD in Physics from University of Freiburg, Germany (numerical simulation)
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How to Use Spatial Data to Identify CPG Demand Hotspots
Argyrios Kyrgiazos
Spatial models can provide a rich set of tools to analyze multivariate geolocated data, enabling data-driven decisions to understand consumer behavior in the CPG industry.
How to Use Spatial Data to Identify CPG Demand Hotspots
Argyrios Kyrgiazos
Spatial data from a variety of sources are increasingly used to target marketing campaigns and prioritize rollout to an optimal audience. In this talk, we will demonstrate how different data sources (e.g. geosocial segments, internet searches, credit card data, demographics and point of interest data) can be blended and how spatial models can be used in identifying “demand hotspots” for Consumer Good Products (CPG). First, I will walk through a methodology on how to select target audiences in New York and Philadelphia for organic / natural products, based on spatial analysis of factors from the different datasets. I will then show a statistical analysis on how features for elimination purposes take place and a classifier is built to examine the impact of each factor on the selection of the “demand hotspots”. I will also present how the conclusions can be extrapolated for further locations, making use of a similarity score index which is based on probabilistic principal components analysis.
About Argyrios Kyrgiazos I am currently working as Spatial Data Scientist in Carto, where I focus on research and explorations of spatial datasets and techniques. Prior to that, I have been working with IRI as a research engineer, Coca Cola Hellenic Bottling as a Data Scientist, and Research Fellow at University of Surrey. I hold a PhD on Satellite communications from University of Surrey and Msc in Electrical and Computer engineering from National and Technical University of Athens.
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Mapquadlib - A Python library that supports multi-level tiled representations of the map of the earth.
Christian Stade-Schuldt
Mapquadlib is a zero-dependency OSS Python library that contains implementations for various tile schemas used at HERE.
Mapquadlib - A Python library that supports multi-level tiled representations of the map of the earth.
Christian Stade-Schuldt
A quadtree is a tree data structure in which each internal node has exactly four children. Quadtrees are most often used to partition a two-dimensional space by recursively subdividing it into four quadrants or regions. The regions may be square or rectangular, or may have arbitrary shapes.
This data structure provides a very convenient way to represent some area on the map. A map is divided to a set of tiles. Each of these tiles can also be further divided to four tiles of smaller size and this process can continue recursively until required precision is reached. A tile zoom level is a length of the path from the tile to the root of the quad tree. Each tile can be addressed by its unique key.
Mapquadlib supports different different tiling schemas and some convenient methods to work with them:
- Earth Core (Native) Tiling schema
- Mercator (Bing) Tiling schema
- MOS Quad Block Tiling schema
- HERE Tiling schema
- Nds Quads
We will show some technicalities of different Quadtree schemas and how to work with them using Mapquadlib.
About Christian Stade-Schuldt Lead Software Engineer / Data Engineering @ HERE
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30 Maps in 30 days with Python
Alexander Kmoch, Topi Tjukanov
University of Tartu
The *#30DayMapChallenge* is an increasingly popular phenomenon, started on Twitter just 2 years ago by Topi Tjukanov, where he encourages fellow geo folks to make a map to different themes each day during the month of November. In this talk we introduce the MapChallenge and describe how to solve all the challenges within the available Python/PyViz geospatial library ecosystem, including packages, themes, challenges, gotchas and revelations during making 30 maps in 30 days.
30 Maps in 30 days with Python
Alexander Kmoch, Topi Tjukanov
University of Tartu
In 2019, Topi Tjukanov @tjukanov started the #30DayMapChallenge Twitter phenomenon. It is a simple and fun challenge - for each day during the month of November everyone is invited to make a map with any tool they like towards the topic of the day and post it on Twitter under the hashtag #30DayMapChallenge. Last year it has become even more popular and widespread and during November Twitter was flooded with maps from all over the world. I aimed to solve all the challenges with my favourite toolkit, the Python programming language and its geospatial libraries. It quickly becomes obvious that besides crafting a map, coming up with a nice idea and the data acquisition will take a lot of time. Consequently, being effective with the available toolkits becomes very important. From dealing with cartographic projections and various geodata formats with Gdal, GeoPandas and Rasterio to the peculiarities of styling and image composition in Matplotlib, GeoPlot and Datashader, the talk will present the overall map challenge concept and lots of maps, and then dive into gotchas and revelations of making 30 maps in 30 days only using Python.
About Alexander Kmoch Alex is a Distributed Spatial Systems Researcher with many years of experience in geospatial data management and web- and cloud-based geoprocessing with a particular focus on land use, soils, hydrology, and water quality data. His interests include OGC standards and web-services for environmental and geo-scientific data sharing, modelling workflows and interactive geo-scientific visualisation. Alex is currently a Marie Skłodowska-Curie Individual Fellow (MSCA) at the University of Tartu where his aim is to improve standardised data preparation, parameterization and parallelisation for hydrological and water quality modelling across scales (H2020 GLOMODAT).
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Python in QGIS
Zoltan Siki
Budapest University of Technology and Economics
Python can be used in many ways in QGIS. The presentation shortly introduces how and where Python can be used from the QGIS Python console to the standalone QGIS Python applications.
Python in QGIS
Zoltan Siki
Budapest University of Technology and Economics
QGIS gives several opportunities to the users/developers to extend its capabilities using Python. During the presentation we walk through most of them. Besides pure Python a basic knowledge of QGIS PyAPI should be picked up. Fortunately there are many free tutorials, handbooks to help with the beginning steps. Tips are presented where to start.
We start our journey with the QGIS Python console and script editor. It is an easy to use tool to execute direct Python commands or to write short scripts for yourself and your colleagues. ScriptRunner plugin gives a more comfortable environment for your simple scripts. A GUI helps you to organize scripts and metadata, too.
You can write your own functions for Field Calculator. It is the next level of Python intrusion. This helps to make field calculator more powerful to solve your specific tasks.
Python actions are the first in our series which extend the user interface for non programmers, too. There are different actions types, but Python actions are the most environment independent ones. They will work on all supported platforms.
While the previous Python intrusions are useful for creative users with some programming background, with the next three you can create easy to use modules, programs for any QGIS user. The easiest from the point of view of the programmer is the so called Processing script, which can be used from the processing framework. You do not need to deal with GUI a lot, there is a simple environment to define GUI elements for input parameters of the script, which are managed by the Processing framework. If you would like to create an interactive tool in QGIS with its own GUI elements, you should create a plugin or a standalone application. For this you need some Qt practice, too.
Short simple examples are presented for each above mentioned opportinuities.
About Zoltan Siki Land surveyor with GIS and programming experiences,
OSGeo charter member,
working for Budapest University of Technology and Economics,
leader of the Geo4All lab at the Department a Geodesy and Surveying,
QGIS plugin developer.
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Predicting Traffic Accident Hotspots with Spatial Data Science
Miguel Alvarez
Road traffic accidents are a major health and economic problem worldwide. Spatial Data combined with Data Science tools and models can help anticipate high-risk locations dynamically based on factors such as traffic, weather, and road signaling.
Predicting Traffic Accident Hotspots with Spatial Data Science
Miguel Alvarez
Road traffic injuries are among the ten leading causes of death worldwide and they have a significant effect on the world’s economy. Governments and the private sector are making big efforts to reduce these numbers and, as a result, today we can have real-time information on traffic and weather conditions, in addition to traffic statistics. However, this information is available either post-accident or it is static. Knowing where accidents happen and the conditions under which they happen is very powerful information that can be leveraged to identify hotspots dynamically and take action to anticipate accidents (e.g., city administrations can share this information with their citizens and organize their traffic police accordingly, and logistics companies can use this information to avoid specific routes)
In this talk, we will show how different spatial data sources (road traffic, weather, road signaling, human mobility, points of interest, and working population) affect traffic accidents and how they can be used to identify hotspots dynamically. First, I will walk you through the spatial support selection phase and the process of bringing all data sources to the same support. Once the data is ready to be consumed, I will walk you through a spatial and temporal analysis of accident data using different tools and techniques. This first analysis will already give us some hints on typical characteristics of traffic accident hotspots. I will then present a predictive model using Regression Kriging with Random Forest as regressor that will allow us to predict annual accidents. This predictive model will help us validate our hypothesis of changing conditions affecting traffic accidents and the potential of defining dynamic hotspots. The analysis focuses on the city of Barcelona (Spain), which has a rich Open Data catalog available.
About Miguel Alvarez Data Scientist @CARTO
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Building custom web administrators for geographic data driven websites with Django
Marc Compte
University of Girona
In this talk I will show some of the Django admin core functionalities (routing, ORM, templating, i18n & l10n,...) that will allow us to set up a backend for our web map in just a few steps. I’ll show some of the customizations that we can do out-of-the-box, as well as some of the third-party modules that we can use to include additional functionalities to our backend, such as tabbed forms, REST API, menus, dashboards, adding field types and widgets (geom, rich text editor, color field, …).
Building custom web administrators for geographic data driven websites with Django
Marc Compte
University of Girona
In our line of work we are often asked to develop a simple website with a map and a backend administrator to maintain the map data. It happens often that the backend requires more functionality than the frontend, transforming what was meant to be a “simple map” into a rather bulky budget.
Django is a general purpose web framework for Python that comes with a powerful backend administrator ready to use. It can be easily adapted to fit about every need we may encounter and can be used against legacy databases.
We, at the GIS service of the University of Girona (SIGTE-UdG), often use this approach to build simple admin backends in just a few days, making our custom "simple map" projects really simple and much more affordable while keeping a fully functional backend.
In the talk I plan on sharing our experience with this framework, showing some of the most interesting functionalities and how to make the Django admin geographically aware to fit our purposes.
About Marc Compte Part time employed at the GIS service of the University of Girona (SIGTE-UdG) as a full-stack developer and tutor of the Python module at the UNIGIS MSc in Girona. Part time freelance working for as the main programmer. Ex PHP programmer, now in love with Python, Django and JavaScript.
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QGIS Bridge, Metadata & Geostyler
Paul van Genuchten, Sander Schaminee
GeoCat BV, Netherlands
Annual report from the GeoCat python team. A next release of GeoCat Bridge for QGIS is upcoming. We've seen some adoption of the underlying modules outside the QGIS domain.
QGIS Bridge, Metadata & Geostyler
Paul van Genuchten, Sander Schaminee
GeoCat BV, Netherlands
At GeoCat a team works on a number of python projects. Bridge for QGIS was first released in Bucharest and downloaded 3600 times since then. The underlying module, style 2 style which generates SLD and Mapbox Style from QGIS style has been adopted by a number of other projects. In this presentation we'll share some experiences while working on these topics. We'll look ahead on what's upcoming and would love to hear from you if you run into challenges on the topic of style, data and metadata conversions between products.
About Paul van Genuchten Software engineer at GeoCat. PSC member at pygeoapi & GeoNetwork. SDI/INSPIRE expert.
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Interactive mapping and analysis of geospatial big data using geemap and Google Earth Engine
Qiusheng Wu, Kel Markert
This workshop introduces the [geemap]( Python package and how it can be used for interactive mapping and analysis of large-scale geospatial datasets with Earth Engine in a Jupyter-based environment. We will also demonstrate how to produce publication-quality maps and build interactive web apps.
Interactive mapping and analysis of geospatial big data using geemap and Google Earth Engine
Qiusheng Wu, Kel Markert
Google Earth Engine (GEE) is a cloud computing platform with a multi-petabyte catalog of satellite imagery and geospatial datasets. It enables scientists, researchers, and developers to analyze and visualize changes on the Earth’s surface. The geemap Python package provides GEE users with an intuitive interface to manipulate, analyze, and visualize geospatial big data interactively in a Jupyter-based environment. The topics will be covered in this workshop include: (1) introducing geemap and the Earth Engine Python API; (2) creating interactive maps; (3) searching GEE data catalog; (4) displaying GEE datasets; (5) classifying images using machine learning algorithms; (6) computing statistics and exporting results (7) producing publication-quality maps; (8) building and deploying interactive web apps, among others. This workshop is intended for scientific programmers, data scientists, geospatial analysts, and concerned citizens of Earth. The attendees are expected to have a basic understanding of Python and the Jupyter ecosystem. Familiarity with Earth science and geospatial datasets is useful but not required.
About Qiusheng Wu I am an Assistant Professor in the Department of Geography at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville. My research interests include Geographic Information Science (GIS), remote sensing, and environmental modeling. More specifically, I am interested in applying geospatial big data, machine learning, and cloud computing (e.g., Google Earth Engine) to study environmental change, especially surface water and wetland inundation dynamics. I am a strong advocate of open science and reproducible research. I have developed and published various open-source packages for advanced geospatial analysis, such as geemap, lidar, whitebox-python, and whiteboxR. More information about my research and teaching can be found on my personal website and research blog.
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How I Used Python and Big Data to Measure Seismic Silences during the COVID19 Lockdown?
Artash Nath
"Lockdown' was a key tool used by governments around the world to stem the movement of people to check the spread of COVID19. I analyzed the impact of lockdown on human movements by writing Python algorithms to measure the reduction in seismic vibrations using data from seismic stations across Canada.
How I Used Python and Big Data to Measure Seismic Silences during the COVID19 Lockdown?
Artash Nath
On 11 March 2020, the World Health Organization declared Covid19 a pandemic. Countries around the world rushed to declare various states of emergencies and lockdowns. Canada also implemented emergency measures to restrict the movements of people including the closure of borders, non-essential services, and schools and offices to slow the spread of Covid19. I used this opportunity to measure changes in seismic vibrations registered in Canada before, during, and after the lockdown due to the slowdown in transportation, economic, and construction activities. I analyzed continuous seismic data for 6 Canadian cities: Calgary and Edmonton (Alberta), Montreal (Quebec), Ottawa, and Toronto (Ontario), and Yellowknife (Northwest Territories). These cities represented the wide geographical spread of Canada. The source of data was seismic stations run by the Canadian National Seismograph Network (CNSN). Python and ObSpy libraries were used to convert raw data into probabilistic power spectral densities. The seismic vibrations in the PPSDs that fell between 4 Hz and 20 Hz were extracted and averaged for every two weeks period to determine the trend of seismic vibrations. The lockdown had an impact on seismic vibrations in almost all the cities I analyzed. The seismic vibrations decreased between 14% - 44% with the biggest decrease in Yellowknife in the Northwest Territories. In the 3 densely populated cities with a population of over 1 million - Toronto, Montreal, and Calgary, the vibrations dropped by over 30%.
To enable other students to undertake similar projects for their cities, I created a comprehensive online training module using Jupyter notebooks available on Github. Students can learn about seismic vibrations, how to obtain datasets, and analyze and interpret them using Python. They can share their findings with local policymakers so that they become aware of the effectiveness of the lockdown imposed and are better prepared for lockdowns in the future. When we make data and technology accessible, then lockdowns because of pandemics can be an opportunity for students to take up practical geoscience projects from home or virtual classrooms.
The outputs of my research on COVID19 and Seismic Vibrations are accessible at
About Artash Nath I have been working on Space, Robotics, and Machine Learning for the past 6 years. I am the 2020 Global Winner of the 2020 NASA SpaceApps Covid19 Challenge for my “Masked Scales” project that used a home-made instrument to measure the impacts of COVID19 in Toronto and converted them into a musical. I won the Gold Medal at the 2020 IRIC North American Continental STEM Fair and all the 3 ribbons at the 2020 Youth Science Canada Online STEM Fair for my project on "Using Machine Learning to Remove Stellar Noise from Exoplanetary Data". I was one of the winners of the European Space Agency's Ariel Telescope Machine Learning Data Challenge and presented my project at the ARIEL: Science, Mission and Community 2020 Conference in the Netherlands. In 2014, I co-founded the Initiative to carry out youth to youth science communication and outreach on space and carry out several free workshops and events each year.
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SaferPLACES platform: a GeoPython-based climate service addressing urban flooding hazard and risk.
stefano bagli
GECOsistema srl
GeoPython libraries for mapping flood hazard and risk in urban areas
SaferPLACES platform: a GeoPython-based climate service addressing urban flooding hazard and risk.
stefano bagli
GECOsistema srl
Floods are a global hazard that may have adverse impacts on a wide-range of social, economic, and environmental processes. Nowadays our cities are flooding with increased occurrence due to more severe weather events but also due to anthropogenic pressures like soil sealing, urban growth and, in some areas, land subsidence. Frequency and intensity of extreme floods are expected to further increase in the future in many places due to climate change.
The characterisation of flood events and of their multi-hazard nature is a fundamental step in order to maximise the resilience of cities to potential flood losses and damages.
SaferPLACES employs innovative climate, hydrological and raster-based flood hazard and economic modelling techniques to assess pluvial, fluvial and coastal flood hazards and risks in urban environments under current and future climate scenarios.
SaferPLACES platform provides a cost-effective and user-friendly cloud-based solution for flood hazard and risk mapping. Moreover SaferPLACES supports multiple stakeholders in designing and assessing multiple mitigation measures such as flood barriers, water tanks, green-blue based solutions and building specific damage mitigation actions.
The intelligence behind the SaferPLACES platform integrates innovative fast DEM-based flood hazard assessment methods and Bayesian damage models, which are able to provide results in short computation times by exploiting the power of cloud computing.
A beta version of the platform is available at and active for four pilot cities: Rimini and Milan in Italy, Pamplona in Spain and Cologne in Germany.
SaferPLACES ( is a research project founded by EIT Climate-KIC (
About stefano bagli MSc Eng. Stefano Bagli, PhD – is an environmental engineer, data scientist and CEO of GECOsistema srl.
He has more than 20 years of experience in environmental modelling and data science (Artificial Intelligence) in the field of air quality, climate services, fate and transport of pollutants in multiple media, hydrology, flood hazard/risk mapping, remote sensing, and developing SDSS embedding models and tools into GIS systems.
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ML-Enabler: Enabling Rapid Machine Learning Inference of School Mapping in Asia, Africa and South America
Martha Morrissey
Development Seed
ML-Enabler is an open source model inferencing tool with a UI that acts as a github for models, allows users to run inference at scale, validate model predictions, integrate with common OSM mapping tools like Map Roulette. We will discuss how Development Seed used ML-Enabler to facilitate model inference to detect previously unmapped schools over 71 million zoom 18 tiles over multiple countries in Africa, Asia, and South America as part of UNICEF’s Project Connect initiative.
ML-Enabler: Enabling Rapid Machine Learning Inference of School Mapping in Asia, Africa and South America
Martha Morrissey
Development Seed
UNICEF and Development Seed are working to leverage machine learning, high-resolution imagery, and inexpensive cloud computing to create a comprehensive map of school at the global scale. Accurate data about school locations is critical to provide quality education and promote lifelong learning, UN sustainable development goal 4 (SDG4), to ensure equal access to opportunity (SDG10) and eventually, to reduce poverty (SDG1). However, in many countries educational facilities’ records are often inaccurate or incomplete. Understanding the location of schools can help governments and international organizations gain critical insights around the needs of vulnerable populations, and better prepare and respond to exogenous shocks such as disease outbreaks or natural disasters. Unfortunately, some national governments still don’t know where all the schools in their country are, or have out of date school maps.
Despite their varied structure, many schools have identifiable overhead signatures that make them possible to detect in high-resolution imagery with deep learning techniques. Approximately 18,000 previously unmapped schools across 5 African countries, Kenya, Rwanda, Sierra Leone, Ghana, and Niger, were found in satellite imagery with a deep learning classification model. These 18,000 schools were validated by expert human mapping analysts. In addition to finding previously unmapped schools, the models were able to identify already mapped schools with accuracy between 77 - 95% depending on the country. To facilitate running model inference across over 71 million zoom 18 tiles of imagery development seed relied on our open source tool ML-Enabler.
ML Enabler generates and visualizes predictions from models that are compatible with Tensorflow’s TF Serving. ML-Enabler makes managing the infrastructure for running inference at scale, and visualizing predictions straight-forward from a UI. ML Enabler will spin up the required AWS resources and run inference to generate predictions. ML Enabler helps harness the power of expert human mappers because model predictions can be validated within the UI and validated predictions can be used to generate new training data and re-train the initial model.
About Martha Morrissey Machine Learning Engineer at Development Seed
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[TALK CANCELLED] Estimating the economic impact of COVID-19 using real-time images from space
Nataraj Dasgupta
In this talk, we will first discuss the process of analysing GeoTIFF images of surface lights on Earth from space using multicore processing tools on AWS. Second, we will discuss how the data can then be used to predict GDP and other economic metrics, especially during supply-demand shocks like COVID-19.
[TALK CANCELLED] Estimating the economic impact of COVID-19 using real-time images from space
Nataraj Dasgupta
How can we tell how COVID-19 has affected our economies ? Can we rely on official estimates ? Can we estimate the impact ourselves - with data from space - using satellite images available anyone in real-time using just a computer and a connection to the internet ?
With offices closed, data scarce and reliability of published results in question, the usual tools of obtaining such information is limited. It is in this backdrop that we explore using images of Earth taken at night-time from space. These images are available as GeoTIFF files with precise lon/lat co-ordinates at every pixel. Each pixel in turn contains radiance values that can reflect the economic activity on the surface. Such datasets have been shown to have correlation as high as 99% with actual GDP. Combined with data from power grids, the predictive power can be unparalleled. In this talk, I'll walk through examples of a) how such GeoTIFF files can be processed at scale using standard tools like GNU Parallel, Python Multiprocessing and how the resulting data can be then analysed by assigning radiance values with state/national boundaries and creating models that track changes over time.
About Nataraj Dasgupta Nataraj has 21 years of industry experience in developing the vision, strategy and execution of analytic capabilities in finance and pharmaceutical domains. Experience at IBM, UBS Investment Bank, UBS Wealth Management, Purdue Pharma, Philip Morris. He was the core architect of the RWE and Rx Data Analytics solution at Purdue Pharma which was spun out into a new startup, RxDataScience with over $ 3.5M in seed funding. He currently serves as the VP of Advanced Analytics at the firm.
Nataraj is a published author of multiple books on data science, journal articles and research papers in commercial market research, health outcomes, epidemiology and RWE Analytics. He has been a presenter, keynote speaker and Chairperson at over 20+ machine learning and AI-related healthcare conferences in US, Europe and Asia.
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Crop yield prognosis using ML and EO data
Peter Fogh
SEGES, a Danish agricultural knowledge and innovation centre, developed and productionized in 2020 a crop yield prognosis model. We present the utilized ML methods, EO data, de-facto Python GIS packages, experiment results, and DevOps solutions.
Crop yield prognosis using ML and EO data
Peter Fogh
We present the within-field crop yield prognosis model developed by SEGES using machine learning (ML) methods and earth observation (EO) data. Our model and its prognoses were released to the Danish farmers in 2020 via our WebUI solution called CropManager, where the prognosis maps of a 10x10 meter resolution are visualized. This presentation will drill into the specifics of the utilized ML algorithm, ground truth yield data, and the other EO data sources used for creating the prognosis model. Additionally, we also present our use of DevOps solutions, like TeamCity, Octopus, Azure Machine Learning, and Kubernetes, to productionize the ML model.
SEGES is the leading agricultural knowledge and innovation centre in Denmark. We offer sustainable products and services for the agriculture and food sector, by collaborating with international customers, clients and farmers, to build a bridge between research and practical farming.
About Peter Fogh I work as a data scientist at SEGES, where I develop artificial intelligence solutions for the agricultural community in Denmark. My work concerns the development of systems for decision support and automation in many aspects of farming, for instance, management of crops, animals, environment, finances, and legal cases. You are welcome to contact me if you have any interest in applying machine learning to data regarding agriculture, farming, or animals.
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Mapping, Monitoring and Forecasting Groundwater Floods in Ireland
Joan Campanyà i Llovet
IT Carlow / Geological Survey Ireland
An automated approach for characterizing groundwater floods in Ireland based on remote sensing data, GIS information and hydrological models to improve the reliability of adaptation planning and predictions in the groundwater sector.
Mapping, Monitoring and Forecasting Groundwater Floods in Ireland
Joan Campanyà i Llovet
IT Carlow / Geological Survey Ireland
In recent years Ireland has experienced significant and unprecedented flooding events, such as groundwater floods, that extended up to hundreds of hectares during the winter flood season, lasting for weeks to months, and affecting many rural communities in Ireland. This issue was highlighted following widespread and record-breaking flooding in Winter 2015/2016 when little or no hydrometric data of groundwater floods was recorded. Further disruptive groundwater floods in 2018, 2020 and 2021 outlined the need for a systematic and large-scale mapping technique.
In response to these flooding events Geological Survey Ireland started the GWFlood project (2016 - 2019) and the GWClimate project (2020 – 2022) with the aim to establish an automated approach for mapping, monitoring and forecasting groundwater floods at a national scale, and to quantify the impact that Climate Change may have in groundwater systems. The use of remote sensing data, Sentinel-1 satellite imagery from the European Space Agency Copernicus program, was key to overcome practical limitations of establishing and maintaining a national field-based monitoring network. Remote sensing data was complemented with Geographic Information System (GIS) datasets to improve reliability in the final products, and with hydrological models to generate historical groundwater flood records based on meteorological data from Met Eireann and to provide forecast for groundwater floods.
Key deliverables of the GWFlood project included: 1) a national historic groundwater flood map 2) a methodology for hydrograph generation using satellite images, 3) predictive groundwater flood maps, and 4) a groundwater monitoring network to provide baseline data. The GWClimate project is enhancing the tools developed by GWFlood in order to deliver: 1) seasonal peak flood maps, 2) near-real time satellite-based hydrographs, 3) groundwater flood forecasting tools, and 4) maps evaluating the impact of climate change in groundwater systems in Ireland.
Data and maps from GWClimate and GWFlood projects are available at:
1), and
About Joan Campanyà i Llovet Dr. Joan Campanyà has a background in physics and geophysics and holds a PhD in Earth Sciences from the Universitat de Barcelona. He has contributed to many publications on the use of electromagnetic geophysical methods for characterizing the Earth’s subsurface and evaluating the impacts of Space Weather on ground-based infrastructures. Joan’s current research with Geological Survey Ireland and IT Carlow is focused on using remote sensing data for mapping, monitoring, modelling, and forecasting floods at a national scale, with particular interest in groundwater flooding. The main products from this work are available to the public and have direct implications for government policy and planning.
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The power of "Where" - Location data in Moovit
Yehuda Horn
behind the scene of geo-data challenges in Moovit.
Location data is everywhere, in multiple formats and different environments.
We use python as cross-platform programming to work with our location data in many ways.
Python allows us to read, edit, and analyze location data on one hand and visualize the data, on the other hand. the data process and the visualization process can be in GIS software, Jupyter notebooks, or by standalone Python script.
The power of "Where" - Location data in Moovit
Yehuda Horn
In this talk, I will discuss some Geodata challenges in the operations side of Moovit.
Moovit, an Intel company, is helping to create cleaner, safer cities by guiding people in getting around town using any mode of transport. Today, Moovit serves over 950 million users in 3,400 cities across 112 countries and is the creator of the #1 urban mobility app.
Our Transit Data Repository contains millions of data points, including Real-Time arrivals and Service Alerts from more than 7500 transit operators around the world.
The data comes from multiple sources, is stored in multiple environments, and several formats. Python helps us create cross-platform processes to analyze, and visualize the data. especially for Geodata, we use Python to integrate data in QGIS for GIS experts and to create flexible reports using Jupyter notebooks for no geo experts.
About Yehuda Horn Geo data integration team leader at Moovit
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Universal geospatial data storage with TileDB: No more file formats
Norman Barker
TileDB Inc
This talk will describe the open-source TileDB Embedded library and its integrations in the geospatial domain. We will give examples of its use for point clouds, SAR and weather with partners such as Capella Space and exactEarth, and emphasize on the need to depart from file formats and focus on universal, end-to-end solutions instead.
Universal geospatial data storage with TileDB: No more file formats
Norman Barker
TileDB Inc
TileDB Embedded is an open-source, universal storage engine with integrations into many tools that already exist within Python such as Dask, xarray and Pandas as well as geospatial specific frameworks such Rasterio, Python-PDAL, GeoPandas and our own open-source library for netCDF and HDF-like data, TileDB-CF-Py.
TileDB Embedded is ideal for geospatial data as it is based on sparse and dense multi-dimensional arrays, implementing indexes such as R-trees and Hilbert curve orderings. It is cloud-native and can encompass multiple geospatial domains. I’ll make the case for universal geospatial data storage in the following parts:
Analysis-ready geospatial data
No more files. A universal format can cover all geospatial data types as sparse or dense arrays allowing rapid slicing, arbitrary metadata, and with versioning and time-traveling built-in. Here, I’ll examine the shared structure of geospatial data that makes it best suited for array-based storage.
Superior interoperability
The tools don’t change. I’ll look at how TileDB arrays work within the Python ecosystem. Leverage PDAL, GDAL and existing tools such as Dask, xarray and Pandas to perform geospatial analysis.
Solution focused
We focus on end-to-end solutions, not format standards. Despite defining a powerful open-spec data format for all geospatial data, our goal is to deliver unprecedented speed for analytics queries and integration with numerous computational tools, via the well-defined APIs of our TileDB Embedded storage engine.
TileDB Embedded is successfully used by high-profile users and customers to store SAR, hyperspectral, weather, seismic data as well as point cloud data from SONAR and LiDAR sensors, all within a universal data engine that can be used seamlessly from Python. The talk concludes with a co-presented example from TileDB user Capella Space.
About Norman Barker Norman is the VP of Geospatial at TileDB. Prior to joining TileDB, Norman focused on spatial indexing and image processing, and held engineering positions at Cloudant, IBM and Mapbox. He has a master's degree in Mathematics from the University of Durham, England. In his free time, Norman likes to garden and fix up his old house.
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3D Geological Modelling using GemPy
Kristiaan Joseph
Several 3D modelling and visualization Python scripts have been combined into a seamless workflow and subsequently applied to a sparse dataset in a geologically complex area. Preliminary 3D-model results are encouraging and align with known and inferred regional geology.
3D Geological Modelling using GemPy
Kristiaan Joseph
The geological field experience is traditionally directed on raw data collection with orientation measurements, observations and rock samples descriptions representing some classic examples. Creating geologic and contour maps by hand are also prominent activities within the limited timeframe.
We aim to improve this strategy by introducing a seamless and iterative 3D-modelling workflow, in the pursuit of shifting focus back to geological idea and concept integration versus data. Our proposed workflow is intended to work in-parallel, thereby bolstering the efficiency of allotted field time.
The workflow for 3D-modelling and visualization combines new and existing Python scripts and using open-source tools to furnish users with a coherent approach for achieving both maps and models. Our approach utilizes GemPy, a 3D geological structural modelling tool, based on the Potential Field (PF) method. Using a sparse dataset, a regional 3D-model was generated and also easily re-generated upon the introduction of new data. Cross-section views of the 3D-model can also be obtained and 2D geological maps may be extracted.
With respect to data management, well-known tools such as rasterio, geopandas and numpy were exploited for data imports and processing. The digital elevation model (DEM), field data stored as shapefiles and other required data were organized into a single geopackage, which can be shared and updated as needed. Much effort has been placed on the ease-of-use for data organization.
Our proposed approach may have strong impacts on field data collection and decisions, especially in regions with sparse geological knowledge. This notion is supported by promising initial results, well-aligned with inferred regional geology.
About Kristiaan Joseph Trinidadian geoscientist with a former oil & gas life in Houston, Texas.
Currently pursuing a PhD in 3D geological modelling in Mons, Belgium.
Unsure of why I have a male Flemish name. Always on the look out to increase workflow efficiency!
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The Open Data Cube (ODC): a very intuitive tool to store, manage and analyse satellite images data
Aurelio Vivas
Universidad de los Andes
In the era of Big Data, mechanisms to easily store, retrieve and analyze large amounts of earth observation data are needed. The Open Data Cube (ODC) proposes to minimize these complexities, with the use of open source tools (xarray, gdal, rasterio, dask, netcdf, geotiff, postgresql) composed in a single Python interface.
The Open Data Cube (ODC): a very intuitive tool to store, manage and analyse satellite images data
Aurelio Vivas
Universidad de los Andes
In this talk the attendee will be able to understand what is the Open Data Cube (ODC) , why it is important and some use cases. In addition we will demonstrate a typical satellite image processing workflow in order to show the benefits offered by the tool. In the demo:
- We will deploy an Open Data Cube environment in Docker containers
- Then, a satellite image is added to the data cube index.
- Finally, will query the index and retrieve satellite image data to perform a basic NDVI analysis.
About Aurelio Vivas Aurelio Vivas graduated as Computing and System Engineer at Universidad del Valle, in Cali, Colombia in 2018. He got a MSc and is currently a PhD student at Universidad de los Andes, in Bogotá, Colombia. Since 2018, he has been a teaching assistant with the System and Computing Engineering Department. He has been able to participate in remote sensing, desktop grid computing, and high-performance molecular dynamics projects. His research interests include Programming Languages, Scientific Parallel Computing and Software-defined Infrastructure.
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eemont: A Python Package that extends Google Earth Engine
eemont is a new python package that extends Earth Engine classes with methods to pre-process (and process) the most used satellite imagery.
eemont: A Python Package that extends Google Earth Engine
eemont was created to speed up the writing of Google Earth Engine python scripts and it extends EE classes with new methods such as clouds/shadows masking, image scaling and spectral indices computation.
Let's take a look at the simple usage of eemont:
import ee, eemont
point = ee.Geometry.Point([-76.21, 3.45])
S2 = (ee.ImageCollection('COPERNICUS/S2_SR')
.closest('2020-10-15') # Extended (pre-processing)
.maskClouds(prob = 70) # Extended (pre-processing)
.scale() # Extended (pre-processing)
.index(['NDVI','NDWI','BAIS2'])) # Extended (processing)
And most of these methods are available for a bunch of platforms such as Sentinel 2 and 3, Landsat Series and MODIS products!
About DAVID MONTERO LOAIZA I'm a Topographic Engineer graduated from the University of Valle (Cali, Colombia) and a Master in Data Science graduated from the University of Cantabria (Santander, Spain).
I have worked for almost 5 years on topics related to Geomatics: Geographic Information Systems, Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (the latter being my field of specialization). During this time I have applied data analysis (statistics, programming and Machine Learning) to the geospatial data branch. During the last year I have expanded my field of work to the Data Science area, being my research interests now: Data Science, Remote Sensing, Machine Learning, Computer Vision, Deep Learning and Google Earth Engine.
I have a great liking for the publication of results and I have 10 research publications (6 research articles in journals and 4 research articles in conference proceedings). I have also been a speaker at different conferences hosted by companies such as Google (Geo For Good Summit, 2020), IGAC (International Geomatics Week, 2015 - 2017) and Tecnicaña (IX Atalac-Tecnicaña Congress, 2018).
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Deep learning-based remote sensing for disaster relief with Python
Thomas Chen
Attend this talk to learn about ongoing and future work using deep learning techniques to remotely sense and assess building damage post-natural disaster, using Python.
Deep learning-based remote sensing for disaster relief with Python
Thomas Chen
Artificial intelligence, including machine learning and deep learning, have been increasingly utilized for humanitarian applications, from combating climate change to assessing car accidents. Specifically in the domain of geoscientific analysis, deep learning-based remote sensing has yielded many promising humanitarian applications and results. The occurrence of natural disasters is increasing in frequency and intensity due to climate change, and efficient and accurate computational methods of assessing the building damage caused post-disaster must be in place. This assessment aids in the allocation of resources and personnel. Using Python, we can develop convolutional neural networks and other deep learning architectures to detect and classify levels of infrastructure damage to inform disaster relief and recovery programs. A popular data source for doing so is real-time satellite imagery, which is much more easily gathered than data from on the ground. Other data sources include social media posts.
About Thomas Chen Thomas Chen is a machine learning/computer vision researcher from the United States. He is particularly interested in using deep learning-based computer vision to assess and gain insights into damage in objects in imagery. More broadly, he is passionate about applying machine learning to real-world issues that face society, including climate change.
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